Windows server 2008 R2 Terminal server hack - FOR TESTING ONLY (Activate CAL)

Please note to use these licenses only for educational and testing use.
1. SERVER Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Add or Remove
Windows Components'. Add "Terminal Server" & Terminal Server Licensing"
Default licensing mode is per device as we will need to for actiivation

2. SERVER Start Terminal Server Licensing (Start > Control Panel > Administrative
Tools > Services >Terminal Server Licensing) if it is not started

3. SERVER Go to the Terminal Server Licensing, Right-click on Terminal Server >
Properties > Installation Method:
Select Installation Method "Web Browser"

4. SERVER Go to next tab "Required Information". Fill all 4 fields with some none
important information. Write somewhere TS ID on the bottom of that window

5. SERVER Right-click on Terminal Server and select Activate Server. Terminal
Server License Server Activation Wizard will start. Read > press next

6. SERVER Select activation method "Web Browser" press next

7. WEB BROWSER Go to to get license server ID

8. WEB BROWSER Select "Activate a license server" press next

9. WEB BROWSER Fill out required fields with some information that makes sense.
Choose country USA. Use Product ID use from step 6, press next on the bottom

10.WEB BROWSER Press next one more time on the bottom

11.WEB BROWSER If you did every thing right then you gonna get license server ID
key (enter this information in your terminal server activation window), but
do not close window we will need this for client access licenses (CALs). If
everything is OK you will now have Terminal Server License Server Activated.

12.WEB BROWSER Next in the "Do you wish to install license tokens at this time?"
select "Yes"

13.WEB BROWSER Fill out the required fields on the Microsoft web page . License
Server ID get from Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard. Important is to set
License Program to "Other agreement".

14.WEB BROWSER Choose Product Type Windows 2003 Terminal server Per Device CAL, Fill
quantity (I put around 100) and Agreement Number 6565792

15.WEB BROWSER Press next once more on the bottom

16.WEB BROWSER you are gonna get your license key pack ID what you need to
insert to Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard > close window do not press
finish, but first write down license key pack ID

17.SERVER Insert license key pack ID into your server and finish wizard
